Sunday, 29 March 2015

A Bouquet of Staffodils

As my last post was so well received, I decided to do a quick follow up and showcase a handful of pictures that I got sent after the last post was published.

Unlike before - this one wont be a long post but I felt quite flattered that so many people wanted to help out, and it gives me a great opportunity to write a little more and recap on our lovely Staffordshire Bull Terriers!

The motto of many Staffy owners is, “He's a lover, not a fighter”, and this really couldn't be more right. 

Ace (Full SBT)

Although they were created in 19th-century Britain to be a small, fast fighting dog - those days are long past...

Bruno & Bella (Full SBTs)

Narla (SBT Cross) Winston & Timone (Full SBTs)

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is not a breed to suit every owner, but for those who appreciate this dog’s unique characteristics and are prepared for a bold, tenacious, and loyal companion that prefers human friendship over canine buddies, he does indeed have “the right stuff.” 

Penny(Full SBT) Dex (Rottie Cross)

Bruno (Full SBT)

Poppy (SBT x Labrador)

Bruno (Full SBT)

 “Part of their charm is that they look so tough, but they really aren't. Their inner beauty will steal your heart." Dayna Lemke, author of A New Owner’s Guide to Staffordshire Bull Terriers

Rocky (Full SBT)

Staffies would much rather romp around and play all day, than fight or even stand around looking intimidating.

Junior (Full SBT)

Meika (SBT x Siberian Husky) 
Rocky (Full SBT)

They have a zest for life and eat up new experiences with the spirit of a puppy.

Rocky (Full SBT)

Despite their imposing look, Staffs are actually very good with children.


They love to be with people and they don't particularly care what the activity is - a Staff just wants to be with the people they love.

Taz (Brown Full SBT) Millie (White SBT Cross)

Duke (SBT x Siberian Husky)

Sasha (SBT x Siberian Husky)

The Staffordshire Bull Terrier is one of the friendliest and silliest breeds in the dog world. They are highly intelligent and extremely submissive to people.

Winston (Full SBT)

They Truly are wonderful to be around.

Thank you for taking time to have a quick look through and thank you to everyone for letting me use your photos!
 I hope to write more about 3 semi-famous Staffordshire Bull Terriers in the future so keep a look out!

Peace Out ✌

Current mood: Tired
Current position: sat downstairs on the sofa watching Disney films
Hair: Tied up in a ponytail
Outfit: Pyjamas & Dressing Gown (LAZY SUNDAY!)
Final Thought: "Tale as old as time, song as old as rhyme....BEAUTY AND THE BEEEEAST!"

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